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Language sections

If you positively want a French, German, Russian, Chinese... section, please mention it here. Language-specific sections tend to not do so well, since there are not a lot of traffic. But still, speak your mind and we will see once the userbase is significant enough.

Replies: 2
Reply to: Febo
dnaleor edited 8 years ago Weight: -866 | Link [ - ]

good idea.

I know a few dutch speaking monero-users. But the number is too low for a subsection. Dutch thread would be nice

Febo edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -888 | Link [ - ]

Maybe you should first make one part of forum with name " Other languages/locations" and there people make one thread, that is used for French language, other thread for Russians, and if they get many posts, they get special part of forum where can make more then one thread. I think was similar made on bitcointalk at start or maybe i am wrong.