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Where are the new posts within a thread?

It seems that the way the threads are set up enables posters to directly reply to another poster without quoting them and keeping each those "side" conversations separate. The problem with this is that when I see that there is a new post in a thread I have no idea where it is and have to start scrolling thru the thread in order to find it. I know of no other way of finding it except to look at the date of each post to see if the date and time is after the last time I looked at the thread. Just because I found a new post does not mean there isn't another one and I have to scroll thru the entire thread looking at all the old and maybe newly started side conversations to see if there are new posts.

Is this really how it is set up or am I doing something wrong?

Replies: 6
opennux edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -560 | Link [ - ]

I concur. I still can't get used to it. (I have browsed here for a long time, only to register now..).

Reply to: opennux
fluffypony edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -561 | Link [ - ]

Two things:

  1. You can change your default view to sorting by oldest / newest first (so like a flat forum)

  2. You can subscribe to threads and see them in your notifications page (the bell icon at the top) - we'll be adding email notifications to that soon

Reply to: fluffypony opennux
opennux edited 9 years ago Weight: -561 | Link [ - ]

OK, I think that makes more sense to me now. Thanks.

nioc edited 9 years ago Weight: -819 | Link [ + ]
rocco edited 9 years ago Weight: -822 | Link [ + ]
nioc edited 9 years ago Weight: -825 | Link [ + ]