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Replies: 17
TheUniporn edited 9 years ago Weight: -533 | Link [ - ]

I have no idea if the forum time is my local time...hence this post, sorry :D

Quanttek edited 9 years ago Weight: -893 | Link [ + ]

When shills and trolls are stressing you too much

anon136 edited 9 years ago Replies: 3 | Weight: -896 | Link [ + ]

Who is excited for the new season of walking dead?

Reply to: anon136
rocco edited 9 years ago Weight: -888 | Link [ + ]

I am! i like it a lot, but i hate the breaks between the seasons. usually i wait some years and then watch everything without breaks. i did this with Lost and Breaking bad and did not regret it, both are great series. I am also doing it with game of thrones now, havent seen any of it yet but i sure plan to watch it. Those long breaks sometimes destroy my interest. With walking dead i could not do it, i like zombies and the whole post apocalyptic scenario to much.

Reply to: anon136
fluffypony edited 9 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -895 | Link [ + ]

I lost interest a season ago.

Forever is pretty awesome though. Really enjoying it. Going to give Gotham a spin soon as well.

Reply to: fluffypony anon136
opennux edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -531 | Link [ - ]

Me too. The comic books are much much better. (The TV-show is based on the comic, but I'm sure most know that). The comic books are lightyears ahed in quality, and I'm not even that much of a comic book fan.

Reply to: opennux fluffypony anon136
fluffypony edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -531 | Link [ - ]

I've heard the Walking Dead comics are good, I should probably give them a looksie at some stage...

Reply to: fluffypony opennux fluffypony anon136
opennux edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -525 | Link [ - ]

How dare you read comic books or walk on the beach? You're a coredev!! Get back in there and do some coredeving! ;D

Reply to: opennux fluffypony opennux fluffypony anon136
fluffypony edited 9 years ago Weight: -525 | Link [ - ]

I know, right? It's unfair to all those that have invested in Monero (but contributed exactly 0) :)

Reply to: fluffypony anon136
anon136 edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -895 | Link [ + ]

"A 200-year-old man works in the New York City Morgue trying to find a key to unlock the curse of his immortality."

Thats funny. Becoming immortal is one of my main goals in life and this guy thinks it's a curse. I'll check it out though.

Reply to: anon136 fluffypony anon136
davidlatapie edited 9 years ago Weight: -889 | Link [ + ]

This is close to the synopsis of the utmost-excellent Planescape: Torment.

Reply to: anon136
Lloydimiller4 edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -895 | Link [ + ]

I am sort of excited. I hate the drama in the show but they do a really good job with the zombies

Reply to: Lloydimiller4 anon136
anon136 edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -893 | Link [ + ]

Like when rick evicts carol? I mean i dont think theres that much drama, but there are a few situations like that one. Yea i agree the show would be better with out that. But there is a very thin line between drama and character development.

Reply to: anon136 Lloydimiller4 anon136
Lloydimiller4 edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -893 | Link [ + ]

I always refer to the show as the 'Walking Drama' to my friends. I am kind of obsessive about the drama in all modern film, characters making irrational decisions in a given situation, but I find the walking dead to be a step above the rest most of the time lol. I don't mind if you feel differently, but the show actually gives me such anxiety that I have to stop watching an episode for a while, sometimes pausing the show several times to come back to it later because I can't take it seriously. I just feel that most of how the characters behave are completely unrealistic to what would happen in an actual apocalypse, but such is hollywood.

I do appreciate the show and think the first couple seasons were really great. The zombies are absolutely spectacular, basically the sole reason I watch it, to see zombie action, see who gets bit, watching people turn, etc. The whole business with the Governor really irked me, way too much drama around one character and I just found it totally unrealistic. Funny to say unrealistic in a science fiction TV show, but I've seen every zombie movie over the past 15 years, some I find more believable than others. I am a tough critic of every show/movie I see nowadays though.

Reply to: Lloydimiller4 anon136 Lloydimiller4 anon136
anon136 edited 9 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -891 | Link [ + ]

I agree that characters make completely asinine irrational decisions all the time. But i dont think thats unrealistic. I think real people are asinine and real people would make many of the really crazy decisions that the characters make. I mean yea could could make the show about what it would be like if only INTP's and INTJ's survived and then characters would make rational decisions all the time. But that its self wouldn't be very realistic.

I'm not sure if you have spent very much time around real people. Normal people are so irrational that I think some times the zombie apocalypse may have already begun.

Reply to: anon136 Lloydimiller4 anon136 Lloydimiller4 anon136
sylviaplathlikestobake edited 9 years ago Weight: -884 | Link [ + ]

INTJ here, =) Most cultures have monster myths. The vampire myth represents user mentalities who sponge resources from others. The werewolf represents the male abuse patterns that turn abused into abuser, Frankenstein myth represents science without moral restraint, and since the zombie myth gained popularity during the birth of consumerism, I'm guessing the "Brains!" desired is an ability to think for yourself--though the undead myth existed before the fifties, I do believe it has to do with people living their lives like lemmings.

Reply to: anon136 Lloydimiller4 anon136 Lloydimiller4 anon136
Lloydimiller4 edited 9 years ago Weight: -890 | Link [ + ]

I can see it that way. Maybe my expectations are too high for a TV series.

The people I choose to hangout with are usually educated and for the most part rational thinkers, so that may have something to do with my expectations. Maybe my expectations shouldn't carry over to sci-fi TV.