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Are projects like Darkwallet/Coinshuffle/Coinjoin threats to[...]

Wish I had time follow all the projects in the cryptoworld, but there's so much going on that it is tough to keep abreast of every project and how a development in one may affect the survival of another.

Replies: 6
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -893 | Link [ - ]

If Monero's only feature was privacy, then yes, absolutely. But we're adding a lot more than just that, which should allow Monero to differentiate itself based on other factors:)

Reply to: fluffypony
sylviaplathlikestobake edited 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -896 | Link [ - ]

For those new to Monero, could you expand on what some of those features might be?

Reply to: sylviaplathlikestobake fluffypony
Nekomata edited 8 years ago Weight: -890 | Link [ - ]

Untraceable payments (ring signatures)

Unlinkable transactions (one-time keys)

Max ~18.4 million with smooth emission

What more do you want? :D

Reply to: sylviaplathlikestobake fluffypony
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -892 | Link [ - ]

Sure, things like multi-language mnemonic seed for wallet backup and recovery and OpenAlias aliasing support are the big ones at the moment. As things progress there will be more stuff that gets added to make using Monero a feature-rich and intuitive process:)

Reply to: fluffypony sylviaplathlikestobake fluffypony
sylviaplathlikestobake edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -895 | Link [ - ]

Great answers. Look forward to what the future holds for Monero and its community.