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1 USD Monero Party

See Magnitude parties on the other forum (request for one consolidated page on the forum)

                                                                                                   1 USD party10 USD party100 USD party1000 USD party

  • address: 433VgdzCfn4Axt4cMeGuRvfuD6T3HKbkibxCxNq98r7oEjGWXVWzYiXHc4o4hyeAjEACqEvVPe8xfbApn4jWMVYaTDyMsyg
  • Funds on the Monero One Dollar Party wallet: 0 XMR
  • Donators:



  • You can get refund as long as XMR isn't converted to fiat, minus transaction and handling fees
  • XMR will be converted to fiat when our goal (for this party, 10 USD) is reached and maintained long enough. We are considering announcing conversion some days in advance (which mean people desperately willing to be refunded will have some time to do so).
  • The full amount will be used to organize the party. Since it won't be exactly right either individual people will pay with their own money of the leftover will carry over the next party (10 USD)
  • This thread should be a hub for several meetups around the world - after all, we already went to 1 dollar, this won't be as much an achievement as the other parties, especially considering we are not proposing any minimum amount.
Replies: 2
Reply to: 1 USD in the past ;) The original idea was just a small m[...]" alt="<p>just a suggestion... Mayb not make it "as big as the other 3 planned parties" We aleady had XMR > 1 USD in the past ;)</p> <p>The original idea was just a small meet...">dnaleor
davidlatapie edited 8 years ago Weight: -607 | Link [ - ]


dnaleor edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -608 | Link [ - ]

just a suggestion... Mayb not make it "as big as the other 3 planned parties" We aleady had XMR > 1 USD in the past ;)

The original idea was just a small meetup, drink something ad enjoy ourselfs :) nothing too fancy ;)

Maybe we can use this topic also for people to organize themselves into hubs. BinaryFate and I suggested Brussels as a central location for people living in western Europe. Off course, other people can do more local meetups if they want ;)