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Help an 80 years old women Bojia Bikova to pay her fine for[...]

Help an 80 years old women Bojia Bikova to pay her fine for a few uprooted strings of hemp. She has to pay 1100$ fine, which is near the amount of pension she is receiving for the whole year. 3 min video about the case: Bojia Bikova campaigns: USD: Indiegogo - BTC: Bithope - XMR: (OpenAlias address)

Replies: 17
equipoise posted 9 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

If everything goes smooth we'll give the money collected (about 50% of the sum needed) to Bojia next Wednesday (February 17, 2016). I'll post scans of the donation agreements short after that (3 agreements - one for USD, one for BTC and one for XMR, all of them exchanged to BGN. Personal data will be erased where appropriate). I'll also post video/photos of the donation when those are ready.

equipoise edited 9 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

On February 17, 2016 we donated the money to Bojia. Video (Bulgarian, no subtitles yet): I could also post the donation agreements and the receipts if someone is interested to see those (personal data will be erased where appropriate). Screenshot: Bojia Bikova Donations.

JJabrams posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

alright just sent 100$ wish your grandmaw the best.

equipoise posted 9 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

In a few weeks (most probably 2 or 3) we'll give the funds collected to Bojia (about 53% of the sum needed). We'll try to make it as transparent as possible so the donators are sure where the money goes. Thank you!

equipoise posted 9 years ago Weight: -1 | Link [ - ]

There are some new bitcoin donations. We are now at about 53% of the campaign target.

equipoise posted 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -56 | Link [ - ]

The Indiegogo campaign ended on on December 2, 2015 with $376 USD in donations. The bithope campaign is still on 0.0402 BTC and the XMR campaign is still on 134 XMR. Coverted to Bulgarian Lev (that's what the fine should be paid in) on today's rate that makes 810 BGL (45% from the 1800 BGL needed for the fine). We are still accepting BTC and XMR donations and we'll soon decide what to do next.

Reply to: equipoise
equipoise posted 9 years ago Weight: -55 | Link [ - ]

Additional 100 XMR donation came today.

equipoise posted 9 years ago Weight: -72 | Link [ - ]

This answer may remain hidden in the forum so I'll repost it here: If she don't pay the fine in a few months they could try to sell her part of the house. I can't be sure how this could evolve in a year. They can't take her pension, because it's below the minimum threshold.

nioc posted 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -79 | Link [ - ]

25 XMR just sent. Please keep us updated.

Reply to: nioc
equipoise posted 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -79 | Link [ - ]

Thank you. We are at 371$ + 134 XMR + 0.0402 BTC. 12 days left till the end of the campaign. I'll keep you updated. The "good" thing about the fine is that the lower court decision was 80 years old Bojia going to jail. Now it's only the fine.

Reply to: equipoise nioc
Lloydimiller4 posted 9 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -78 | Link [ - ]

What happens if she doesn't pay the fine? Jail time then?

Reply to: Lloydimiller4 equipoise nioc
equipoise posted 9 years ago Weight: -75 | Link [ - ]

If she don't pay the fine in a few months they could try to sell her part of the house. I can't be sure how this could evolve in a year. They can't take her pension, because it's below the minimum threshold.

Reply to: Lloydimiller4 equipoise nioc
equipoise edited 9 years ago Weight: -77 | Link [ - ]

I don't think that's going to happen. We'll find a way to pay the fine.

Edit: We could also pay it in pennies.

Lloydimiller4 posted 9 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -90 | Link [ + ]

I'll consider donation 100 or so xmr, only problem I have is knowing for sure whether or not that these will go to their intended purpose, but I've seen your name around quite a bit, so that counts for something. Any way you can lessen my fears? :D

Reply to: Lloydimiller4
equipoise posted 9 years ago Weight: -69 | Link [ - ]

Did you changed your mind about the donation?

Reply to: Lloydimiller4
equipoise posted 9 years ago Weight: -90 | Link [ + ]

Promena (Change) Movement is an NGO fighting for Cannabis decriminalization registered back in the 2002 year. Since then we've organized a lot of protests, marches, seminars, lectures and meetings with different authorities. Our lawyers defended medical Cannabis users as well as recreational users. We've tried to educate both the people and the institutions trough printed materials, media, social media, etc. We never had any financial backup outside of our team members and the work done is voluntarily. Most of the information you could find about Promena is in Bulgarian (Cyrillic alphabet), but there is some in English too. About your question: we'll make a video paying this fee with Bojia (Bojia means God's) or at least we'll take some photos.

equipoise posted 9 years ago Weight: -91 | Link [ + ]

We are at ~37% of our 1100$ target. There are 361$, 0.04 BTC and 107 XMR in donations till now. Please help this old lady.