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Expand Moneropedia entries on the Monero website

Update: this FFS has been canceled, and the funds sent to the General Fund

Posted on behalf of opennux:

Existing entries have to be expanded to have more complete content. A lot of them only have the very short summary used in the hover text for that entry. A complete entry example is the one for Account, although it isn't always possible to add that much information for an entry. If you are pitching to do this, but you aren't familiar with Kramdown, then you may want to team up with someone who is, and you can split the funds raised.

Just some notes that will be repeated on all tasks for the site:

  1. Read the README on the GitHub repo:

  2. We have a very mixed audience visiting the site. Everything needs to start out with explanations for the layman, but also has to have some technical meat further down. Consider each page as if it were a Wikipedia article, with a digestible and easy to understand summary. An example of this is the Moneropedia article on "accounts"

  3. Bear in mind that accessibility is important. Users may be using a screen reader, and so pictures need to exist in addition to text, not instead of it.

  4. Link to Moneropedia terms using @ mentions. This creates a tooltip for the term, and also links to the page. Moneropedia terms are available in singular and plural, and using various alternate terms, view the specific entry's Kramdowm source for details.

  5. If you don't know Markdown / Kramdowm or don't understand git, don't worry, just create a GitHub account and add your content as a GitHub "issue", and someone will do the integration for you.

Replies: 17
nioc edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -202 | Link [ + ]

I'll start the ball rolling with a modest contribution of 15 XMR.

This is a start on an important aspect of Monero as it will enable new users to understand as well as use Monero. We need new users and I believe they will start coming once the new release happens "very soon". So the timing is right, right now!

Anybody willing to get fish slapped is OK by me.

Edit: Donation not showing, fluffypony contacted. I left out the ! at the end of the payment ID because as far as I know the ! character should not be part of a payment ID. Is that correct? There are many !s all throughout the "how to contribute" page!!!!

Reply to: 5w00p69
fluffypony posted 8 years ago Weight: -202 | Link [ + ]

Sounds good, I'll move the thread and set it up for funding

5w00p69 edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -202 | Link [ + ]

I make an offer to work on these entries. My requested funding rate is 15 XMR per hour.

I will keep a log of my time worked and provide the fruits of my labor as justification of time spent.

Let's say 105 XMR to get started, which will fund me for 7 hours of work. I imagine that I will be able to complete several Moneropedia entries in that amount of time.

If it works out, more funding can be sought.