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Proposal for Kovri Dev

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# Proposal for Kovri Dev
120 hours. (should protect against increases and decreases in value) ~ 12 weeks @ 10 hrs per week.

* Over the last year Kovri/Monero has become my passion. I spend about 10 - 15 hours a week improving code and reading up on Kovri as well as Monero.
* Any bitcoin wallet worth a grain of salt already implements Tor. I2p being more decentralized should provide the needed protection for viable remote node usage.

Assist Kovri/anonimal on a consistent basis.

* Provide support for Kovri bugs and coding needs.
* Currently I am working on the proxy server fixes in Kovri. Most of this work is already complete, testing is needed.
* Acquire new skills: learn lmbd to apply lmdb into kovri for address book initially.


##PRs submitted  
* Monero: completed a change request to force the simple wallet password to be entered 2 times.
* Kovri: implemented a temporary fix to return the correct error codes throughout the proxy server.
* Kovri: Coverity fixes.

I will be able to spend 10-15 hours per week working on kovri. The work will be divided out by anonimal. Current Schedule:
EASTERN times.

* Tuesday   7-9
* Thursday  7-9
* Friday    7-9
* Saturday  1-4
* Sunday    1-?

Weekly reports will be submitted under this discussion on This will allow me some flexibility to take a week off when needed and work extra during one week. I will supply dates and duration of the work every Sunday for the prior week.

##Offer Expiration
Expires Feb 28th, 2017.

##Pay Rate
Paid @ 1 xmr / hour ~ 13 USD.

* To be paid in XMR delivered at the end of each 40 hour period as per weekly reports.
Version: GnuPG v1

Replies: 30
guzzijones12 posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I have followed up directly with Fluffypony on my thoughts in a personal message.
The community can decide how to proceed.

guzzijones12 edited 7 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

MEMO: No payout needed at this time. Initial posting of work done to inspire feedback on format.

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# 2017-02-05 thru 2017-02-11

* 2017-02-07 : CHARGEABLE : 2 hrs; proxy, boost asio
* 2017-02-09 : CHARGEABLE : 2 hrs; proxy, boost asio
* 2017-02-11 : CHARGEABLE : 2 hrs; proxy, boost asio

# 2017-02-12 thru 2017-02-18

* 2017-02-12 : NO CHARGE  : 2 hrs; boost asio rtfm
* 2017-02-14 : NO CHARGE  : 2 hrs; boost asio rtfm
* 2017-02-17 : NO CHARGE  : 2 hrs; boost asio rtfm ; google style docs rtfm
* 2017-02-18 : NO CHARGE  : 2 hrs; boost asio rtfm ; google style docs rtfm

# 2017-02-19 thru 2017-02-25
Version: GnuPG v1

Reply to: guzzijones12
anonimal posted 7 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I must point out several issues:

A) Billable hours

2017-02-21 12:53:41 guzzi fyi, i am noting my time but not using billable hours for the boost learning.

but here you are billing those hours.

B) Following through

  • On 2017-02-10: I asked you to become more familiar with clang-format, a "guru" if possible, so I wouldn't have to - but you never followed through with this
  • On 2017-02-11: this was two days after the proxy work was merged and I formally asked you to start learning the Google style guide (though I had stressed this repeatedly for months now) in particular, the non-formatting style, but you continued reading boost docs instead
  • On 2017-02-15: I asked you to move benchmarks code into the new utility, you said you'd start on it but then you kept reading boost docs instead - and benchmarks code still hasn't been moved

Most importantly, even before you were funded, I've repeated said that you shouldn't be spending this much time on boost documentation because it's not doing you, or the project, much good at this point. After the proxy was merged 2+ weeks ago, I insisted that you stop reading boost documentation for the proxy and work on other things (as I had assigned) - but most of this never happened.

I'm only bringing this up because your proposal specifically said:

The work will be divided out by anonimal

Assist Kovri/anonimal on a consistent basis

I'm dividing out the work but if you don't do it, it's not assisting!

Please, guzzi, let's work together to make this process go smoothly.

Reply to: anonimal guzzijones12
guzzijones12 edited 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Anonimal, thank you for the feedback. I agree we need to be on the same page thus the post to ensure quick resolution early in the process. Current priorities are:

  • On 2017-02-10: clang-format, a "guru" if possible.
  • On 2017-02-15: benchmarks code into the new utility.

These lines included boost asio only because the proxy uses boost asio not because i was learning additional boost asio functionality. I will amend my internal doc so that it is clear. :

* 2017-02-07 : CHARGEABLE : 2 hrs; proxy, boost asio
* 2017-02-09 : CHARGEABLE : 2 hrs; proxy, boost asio
* 2017-02-11 : CHARGEABLE : 2 hrs; proxy, boost asio

Also it is probably best to just leave out the non chargeable b/c really who cares. :)

anonimal edited 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

The RFC is now closed with a unanimous vote from yesterday's meeting: MoroccanMalinois will finish this FFS (2 of 3 milestones remaining). Congratulations to MoroccanMalinois for stepping up to task!

anonimal edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Note: I sent an email to MoroccanMalinois' protonmail account on January 23rd, 2018 but I have not heard any response. The 3rd milestone was completed ~3 months ago and he still hasn't requested a payout.

Gingeropolous posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Whats happening with this proposal?

fluffypony edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Contributed 20 XMR from the general donation address

snakes posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I support this FFS.