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Justin's Local Meetup Talks Proposal #2: April to June

Hey everyone! Justin here. Based on the success of my first proposal, I have continued to travel through Europe and speak to others about Monero. With this proposal, I am including travel costs for the following locations where I have already spoken at:

I had a really fun time speaking at all these events. You can see PDFs of the used presentations here. Feel free to message me for the PowerPoint versions. You can view some of the recordings here.

Summary of Costs

I would like to allow for donations to cover some of the travel costs that I have incurred in the process of speaking about Monero. I was never paid to speak at any of these locations. Flights, trains, and hotels were the cheapest reasonable options.

Warsaw/Riga/Wroclaw: $750

Budapest: $145

Cologne: $380

Bucharest: $330

Istanbul: $325

Dublin: $725

NOT INCLUDED: Edinburgh, UK (Meetup cancelled)

Subtotal: $2,655

Minus Difference in Last Proposal's Gains (as promised): $1,612.53

Grand Total: $1,042.47 (asking amount)

Asking for 26 XMR.

Thank you everyone who donated to the previous proposal, and to those who donate to this one. If all things go according to plan, there should be one more proposal from me around the end of July.

Replies: 3
fluffypony posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

10 XMR sent from the general donation fund.

czoacz posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Keep up your passion! 6 XMR are on their way.

samsunggalaxyplayer posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thank you everyone for making this possible!