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Monero Meetup Kit

Monero Meetup Kit

Hello everyone! I represent the community's wishes during the last Monero Community Meeting (special credit to pablonero and serhack) in creating a Monero Meetup Kit to give to interested groups for free. This kit will give local groups everything they need for their first Monero meeting. Each kit will include the following:

  1. 50 pamphlets explaining the benefits of Monero on letter paper. I have created an example here. Krokbaltsar will design a better, more professional version for approximately $150.
  2. Monero stickers! A standard kit will include 100 stickers like this size 5x2”; and ~10 stickers with community designs.
  3. A printed Monero Infographic (letter, A3, or A4)
  4. 5-10 paper wallets of ~$2 each for demonstrations. Step-by-step instructions for these demonstrations will be included in the box. Examples can include sending to a desktop wallet, transferring to XMR.TO and comparing the blockchain data for the Bitcoin and Monero transfers.
  5. An annotated Monero presentation for beginners.
  6. 50 webcam covers with the Monero logo
  7. Notes and tips for the presenter.

Approximate cost for a single kit:

  1. $35 flyer printing cost
  2. About $0.11/sticker means a total per-kit cost of $10.64
  3. $20 for other stickers
  4. $20 activity paper wallets
  5. $140 in webcam covers
  6. $20 in shipping

Single Kit Cost: $245.64

Costs regardless of the number of kits:

  1. $150 for the professional flyer design

Logo sticker costs are based on buying 500 in bulk. Monero webcam cover costs are based on buying 500 in bulk with custom packaging.

Other sticker costs:

  • Luke 23 for $35 3.6x4” $1.52/ea
  • Monero to the Moon 24 for $63 6x6” $2.62/ea
  • Be your own bank! 20 for $32 3.5x4.3” $1.60/ea
  • Never share mnemonic seed 23 for $37 3.4x4.5” $1.61/ea
  • Volunteered running a node 26 for $33 3x4” $1.27/ea

Total stickers: 116

Total sticker cost: $200

Cost for 9 kits: $2211 + 150 = $2361

Note: I ordered enough for 10, but 1 is reserved, and the costs for this 1 are not included in this FFS.

Approximate cost in XMR: $2361/85 = 28 XMR


  1. Completion of the pamphlet by baltsar777 - $150 = 1.8 XMR
  2. Sending out the first 5 meetup kits - $1105 = 13.1 XMR
  3. Sending out the remaining 4 meetup kits - $1105 = 13.1 XMR

Groups will be selected from applications by serhack and me. Kits will only be shipped to the US, but I hope to expand to other countries soon.

Replies: 6
antw081 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


kenshi84 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


Homer2000 posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I would like to donate to this. Make it so!

sevastjan posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


samsunggalaxyplayer posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

This is done. Thanks everyone who donated and to those who applied for a kit!

Electricsheep posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

You could also add the meetup group fees to this: