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Monero Localizations Coordinator (2nd FFS)

Hello, This is my second FFS proposal, you can find the first one here


I offer to continue my work as coordinator of the localization workgroup, helping aspiring contributors to get their translations done and coordinating our existent workgroup.

What have been achieved during the past FFS

At the end of these first three months of life of the "Localization Workgroup" we:

  • Coordinated the localization of Kovri, updating the existent translations and added 2 new languages (one still in progress)
  • Translated the GUI wallet in more than 8 new languages, these will be available in the next release, for a total of more than 24 available languages in the GUI.
  • updated almost all existent translations of the GUI for the next release (first time this happens)
  • Translated the Monero Flyer in 7 languages (1 new one is coming soon)
  • Translated the CLI wallet in 2 new languages, and 2 more are coming
  • Started the massive use of Taiga, where all our work is tracked and small local workgroup started coordinating each other (even a glossary has been created by the swedish team, later adopted by the German team). On Taiga I also created mini-guides to help newcomers. At the moment, the Monero Localization Workgroup is the most active on Taiga and one of the biggest, with 25 registered members
  • Helped countless aspiring contributor. I personally have contacts with at least one contributor a day. This is why this point is the key of this proposal. People need a coordinator, especially since the vast majority of our contributors never used git/github or any localization tool.
  • Translated the website in 5 new languages. Two of these are already waiting to be merged to the code.

In the last FFS proposal was also included the implementation of a Localization Platform. This is the only point of the past proposal who hasn't been completed. The reason is that we the website became multilingual about a month ago and i made that my priority, since a multilingual website is extremely important for mass adoption. Also, a couple of volunteers offered to test pootle, but for a reason or another they couldn't delivery. At the moment another volunteer is testing it. Anyway, since this point was in the last proposal i won't include it in this one, but i will make it my priority as soon as we have the new wallets ready.

Why is this important?

I have to say a was a bit disappointed last time, when i saw my proposal was struggling to get funded, even after the full support of the Community Workgroup (wich i'm very gratefull to). I guess it's quite normal thought, localization are not perceipt as very important since we don't add cool stuff to the codebase or research the math, but let me say Localizations are Fundamental for mass adoption.
If we want people to use Monero, we need to build tools who speaks everybody's language. In only three months we made Monero available and understandable for hundred thousands more people!


The difference from the last FFS is that now i'm asking more Moneros, from about 8$ per hour to 20$ (as also the community pointed out, 8$ for hour was really few for this job). In the past FFS i proposed to work 7/7 5 hours a day for a total of 35 h/w, for this proposal i'd work 6/7 30 hours/week, so five hours less. As in the other proposal, this 30 hours will be flexible, especially since during the day i'm usually available for much longer than 5 hours, this because contributors come from different time zones and i don't wanna miss anybody.
At the current value (bitfinex - ~~340~~ 264 $) would be ~~7~~ 9 XMR each month for three months (released at the 7th of each month: April, May, june), for a total of 27 XMR  

I'm open to change any of these terms including the proposed reward. Feedbacks are encouraged and appreciated :)

Replies: 12
keatonofthedrake edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I'll help fund! Lets get this moving!

Reply to: keatonofthedrake
erciccione edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thank you for your support!

TheseAreBetterDays edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I'm happy to contribute - this is important work. Don't undersell yourself. You may need t adjust the total since the XMR rate has declined in the last 24 hours.

Reply to: TheseAreBetterDays
erciccione edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thank you so much :) updating the reward right now

lh1008 posted 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Yes lets do this! :)

Reply to: lh1008
erciccione edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thanks, always happyto seeyour support :)

pa edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

sent 5.4 xmr. Great work!

Reply to: pa
erciccione edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

That's very generous. Thank you

antw081 edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


Reply to: antw081
erciccione edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thanks! :)

drfred edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

donated. definitely worth its money. don't be shy to ask for a fair rate per hour.

Reply to: drfred
erciccione edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Asking Money to the community always troubles me :) Thanks for your support