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3b7ameed : Arabic Translation

" I've asked the Monero community on reddit what do they think about this FFS request "


Translating Getmonero into Arabic


My name is Abdelhameed , I'm a native Arabic speaker, I've translated the GUI last December into Arabic , I'm a management information system student in my final year of college

The Proposal

I'm asking for 8$ hourly rate and I've decided to work 6h a day , 5 days a week , I Don't know how long translating getmonero is going to take but i will do my best and you can track my work at the end of the month So if i finished translating getmonero before the end of the month i will start working on translating Monerujo and getkovri ,

8 * 120 = 960$ , 960/120= 8 XMR

I Will start working on translating from Tomorrow Monday 18/6

My XMR address : 47VhM7CF1uqTibw4WKfnSP2jhr8h9BGuX4ehsh11nZ7iTqJcFCQPhrfAoojsx54Gy33AeHHXYV7eQAa3fWMVnZ4nR6r7CoV

Replies: 2
Reply to: Alex058
3b7ameed posted 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thank you

Alex058 posted 5 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]
