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Moving instructions and manuals into the video format and la[...]

Kind time of the day, community Monero!


My name is Roman @v1docq47

I am a member of the team

I am engaged in translation into Russian in Monero Localization Taiga

I'm not afraid to say that ~90% of the material in the Russian Monero community has been translated into Russian by my own efforts and diligence.

Since September 2017, I have been translating technical documentation, magazines, news and everything else, as for Monero and his community.

In my spare time of work (I'm in the process of supervising and providing technical assistance to new users who come to the staff of the company) and translatings, I'm engaged in the redesign of posters and logos, I write manuals for new users of Monero and I give them various help.

By its nature, I'm a pedant and present a very high level of quality to my work and the materials that I release.

A small list of my works / translations:

Monero Revuo 3Q 2017 / Monero Revuo 4Q 2017 / Who is Monero Cat? (Ep. 1-14) / Monero Monitor (Ep. 1-15) / How to mine Monero with AMD I NVIDIA GPU / Monerujo translate / Zero to Monero (in progress) / Mastering Monero (in progress)


I have a lot of ideas how to make the community better and convey to him the basic ideas and concepts of Monero in a simple and understandable form. Most new users experience problems with understand what is Monero and how to work with it. I have an idea about transferring all available material for new users to the video format on YouTube. In the current, intense life rhythm, not everyone has the opportunity to constantly monitor and read news feeds and read extensive instructions for installing and configuring the software. In addition, I want to organize the release of a weekly video magazine with a review of news from the world of Monero and make it interesting and accessible to the entire circle of users.


  1. Complete the translation of Zero to Monero, Mastering Monero, getkovri and getmonero website to russian language = 5.35 XMR // September

  2. Translate and voice in Russian the currently available videos (What Is Monero, Kovri and others) (with subtitles) = 5.35 XMR // October

  3. Transfer all available instructions (from / to the video format (with subtitles) = 5.35 XMR // November

  4. Launch a weekly news release in the world of Monero (with subtitles) = 5.35 XMR // December

  5. Launch video chat with questions to people who are actively involved in the development of the Russian and Ukrainian community Monero (with subtitles) = 5.35 XMR // December

Total - 26.75 XMR

Received - 0.622 XMR


What is the most important thing in any job? In my understanding, it is to be obsessed with it! I really can and want to help the Monero community grow. I'm not going to stop at just working with video! This is only a small step to great achievements!

I am pleased to be part of such a big team. I would like to ask a little help from the Monero community for the implementation of my plans.

In the future, I do not plan to monetize in any way or earn income from their materials or engage in advertising ICO or anything else.

My XMR wallet: 478QAySuCFZHtGcnybecL6d6D4P4F2hG1EjCxpo7pvCA8pqmHQgvZRUD6APyZk6ijk7gXPTFTaFjK9kEh6dFDwmU67SRZto

Update 26.12.2018 ~ November Monthly Report

Update 06.11.2018 ~ October Monthly Report

Update 30.09.2018 ~ September Monthly Report

Update 31.07.2018 ~ updated terms for proposal and milestone

Update 27.07.2018 ~ add the Proposal and Milestones / has deleted the superfluous information

Replies: 12
v1docq47 posted 6 years ago Weight: 9 | Link [ - ]


Hi everyone!

My job is coming to an end. It was a very interesting and informative experience for me. What came out of it is to judge only you ;)

I would like to open another FFS for the first half of 2019. During the four months of work, I began to understand more clearly what to do and in what direction to work. Over the past period, I appreciated my thoughts and realized how much I can really devote this time. All this will be in my new FFS. Now let's look at what was done by me for this month of work:

YouTube channel:

A new news format was launched on the channel

Subscribe to Youtube channel and stay tuned!

Translations into Russian:

Monero Outreach Stories:

Monero Research Lab:

Soon, I plan to do MMS User Manual and translation of particularly interesting articles from rbrunner7 ;)

With a list of all my works on localization of materials you can find on the site XMR.RU or

In addition:

I won't be wordy today. The work does not become less, there are many things that need to be done in time. Thank you all for your support!

TheFuzzStone edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ + ]


Thank you Roman for your work in XMR.RU

xmrhaelan edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ + ]

This seems like a worthwhile endeavor. I hope it gets funded!

聖闘士星矢 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ + ]

I would like to see what will come of this.

MoneroRus edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ + ]

I know he wants to do this for a long time (and he can), but he need our support and help to accomplish this great work. I'm ready to donate some XMR and help to realise this idea.

antw081 edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ + ]


Reply to: antw081
v1docq47 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ + ]

Thank you!

v1docq47 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ + ]

November Monthly Report


Mary XMRmas!

v1docq47 here!

The end of November/December are very hard times in my main workplace. It is necessary to have time to close many integration projects. Had to work 16 hours a day.

But I didn't fall behind in video making! Except that I felt out of my schedule for a little (bit) and put off part of my December work for January.

What was done in last month:

Subscribe to our Youtube channel and stay tuned!

In addition:

Were translated materials of the working group Monero Outreach. Made a translation of a series of articles the “Monero Best Practices”. Monero QuickFacts translation has been updated.

I continued the translation of the weekly magazine from @johnfoss69. Link to Russian translation The Monero Moon (issue09 / issue10 / issue11)

I want to congratulate @sernico with the release of "Mastering Monero"! It was a huge and hard job! In January I plan to finish the translation of "Mastering Monero" (after the release of the official document in free access).

Since the last report, I translated about 38 articles on Monero into Russian. With a list of all my works on localization of materials you can find on the site or

My next report will be in the new year. It's been a great year! I'm really excited to work for such a large Monero community and make it a little bit better!

I am sure that 2019 will be no less interesting and eventful year for Monero!

Happy new year to all! Thank you all for your support!

v1docq47 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ + ]

September Monthly Report

Hi everyone!

This month was insanely interesting and difficult at the same time! A big plan was implemented to localize the Monero project into Russian.

Detailed information about the work performed:

1. Zero to Monero

This is the most difficult material in the understanding with which I had to work. I am very glad that now anyone can get acquainted with such a big and serious work in Russian.

This material is fully translated and is available in free access.

At the moment this is not the final version of the translation. The material should be audited and carefully checked (follow the updates).

Link to Russian translation Zero to Monero

2. Mastering Monero

I have long wanted to see an easy and beautiful material for the introduction into the world of Monero. My acquaintance with Monero began with the search for grains of information manually :( Now there will be an interesting and easy-to-understand guide for new users!

At the moment, ready translation with 1 to 5 chapter.

Due to the fact that the material is in the process of writing and is constantly changing, it is very difficult for me to monitor its updating. It was decided to complete the final translation into Russian after the book was fully completed and printed!

I want to express my sincere gratitude to the authors of the book for their efforts!

Link to Russian translation monerobook


Was completed (updated Russian translation for kovri docs ) translation of the site

In addition, the errors and shortcomings in the Russian translation of the documentation for kovri were corrected.

Many thanks anonimal for improving the means and mechanisms for ensuring anonymity and security!

Link to Russian translation kovri site

Link to Russian translation (update) kovri docs


The complete translation of the site into Russian was completed.

Very much of the time was occupied by setting up hyperlinks and footnotes for moneropedia (Yes, it fully works in Russian)

Link to Russian translation getmonero site

In addition:

Translations of the Monero Outreach posters into Russian have been made, which you can read on this link and on the site

I would like to express special thanks to @johnfoss69 for the revival and continuation of the ideas of the weekly magazine Monero Observer! You're doing a great job! Keep it up!

Link to Russian translation The Monero Moon (issue01 / issue02 / issue03)

With a list of all my works on localization of materials you can find on the site or

Thanks to all! See you in October!

v1docq47 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ + ]

October Monthly Report

Hi everyone!

I am very pleased to grow personally with the Monero community and to learn and discover something new!

This month there was a delay and lag in work because of my illness :(

I would like to Express my gratitude and thank @kukima for the help in the voice acting of the videos.

Detailed information about the work performed:

1. Monero Russian Community YouTube channel was created

The following videos are fully voiced and translated into Russian

In addition:

In anticipation of the upcoming hardfork, all technical documentation and manuals for novice users have been updated (Mining Monero on CPU/GPU and User Guides Monero GUI)

I continued the translation of the weekly magazine from @johnfoss69. Thank you for this wonderful magazine!

Link to Russian translation The Monero Moon (issue04 / issue05 / issue06 / issue07 / issue08)

I really enjoyed working with the material for translation in the format of a live interview, namely - "Why Crypto Privacy is Important with Monero’s Riccardo “FluffyPony” Spagni"

Work continues on correcting errors in the translation of "Zero to Monero"

In my spare time, I continue to translate ready-made chapters "Mastering Monero"

With a list of all my works on localization of materials you can find on the site or

Subscribe to our Youtube channel and stay tuned!

Thanks to all! See you in November!

Alex058 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ + ]

Thanks for your efforts so far, I would be happy to donate my fair (albeit small) share, once this gets to funding required.

AJIekceu4 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ + ]

I will be glad to make a donation for this in FFS! Roman is awesome guy.