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ErCiccione: Coordinator of the localization workgroup (trans[...]

Hello! I'm ErCiccione and this is my 4th FFS request. First of all, thanks to all who funded the past proposals, this continuative support is the best appreciation for the work I do.
I'm offering to work as coordinator of the localization workgroup for 3 more months.


I've been involved in Monero development for more than a year now. During this time I contributed, beside translations, to many Monero-related projects. For example:

  • The Monero Ecosystem Project - creator and lead mainatiner. I also personally maintain 6 of the 20 repositories.
  • The GUI Guide - Lead maintainer. I created this guide, with the help of the community, because I thought it was important to have a guide for the GUI wallet which will be always up to date. From next version, 0.13, it will be embedded to the official GUI wallet.
  • monero-site - Beside localizations, I help with the maintainance of the repository.

This are just the biggest contributions, for a more detailed overview, take a look at my profiles on GitHub and Openhub.


I manage the translation workgroup, which i founded, and i would like to keep doing so. My job consist in coordinate the translations of the following major projects:

  • Monerujo - The android wallet - translated in 16 languages
  • Official GUI wallet - translated in 33 languages
  • Kovri website - translated in 8 languages
  • - translated in 5 languages
  • Monero Outreach workgroup - I coordinate with lh1008 to find translators and help them to get the documents translated correctly.
  • Glossaries for monero translators these glossary help contributors to keep their translations consistent across projects.
  • Other non prioritary projects: CLI wallet, subtitles for the videos, Monero flyer, Monero meetup kit.

-- Almost all the languages available in the projects listed above were added with my support --

I also maintain wikis and step-by-step guides (which i created) on how to submit and update a language to the projects i take care of. I keep them constantly updated.


Basically, I'm the person who make sure all translations of all Monero related wallets, websites and documentation; get regularly updated and new languages are added. To do so, i'm in constant contact with project/repository maintainers of all those projects.

As coordinator, i'm also the point of contact for community members who whish to contribute with translations. My job is to help them through the whole process, making sure they have all the support and help necessary to deliver the translation they are working on and get it correctly merged to the code. This include following them from the moment they say "i would like to help", until they deliver a usable translation.

The localization platform everybody is waiting for, Pootle, that will make translations much easier, has been uploaded on the getmonero server. I will configure it and test it so that we can start to use it after next hard fork (October 2018).


The progresses made by the localization workgroup can be monitered on our task tracker, Taiga and on the (new) 'monero-translations' repository on GitHub.  

As for the precedent proposals, the rate i ask is $20/hour 30 hours/week (but i'm usually available for much more than that), for 3 months. This means, at the current rate ($98 - Livecoinwatch), 24 XMR each month, for a total of 73 XMR. Payouts will be around the 7th of every month (October, November, December). Feedbacks, suggestions, questions and critics are welcome. Thank you all :)


Edit: I refactored the proposal. I gave a better description of the projects i work for and improved the style of the text.

Replies: 12
oneiric posted 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Supported, much love for your translation work.

Reply to: oneiric
erciccione posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thank you for your support :)

binaryFate posted 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

+5 XMR on behalf of

Reply to: binaryFate
erciccione posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thank you binaryfate, very much appreciated :)

samsunggalaxyplayer edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


lh1008 edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I support

oneiric edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Will support, keep up the awesome work.

erciccione posted 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I refactored the proposal. I gave a better description of the projects i work for and improved the style of the text.

antw081 posted 5 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


Reply to: antw081
erciccione posted 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thank you. Yout continuative support is realy appreciated :)

dsc posted 5 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Your effort and dedication is greatly appreciated. +1 XMR.

Reply to: dsc
erciccione posted 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

And your donation is very appreciated. Thank you so much for your support :)