My fellow Monero enthusiasts,
After what seems like an eternity we now have a person-to-person trading platform dedicated exclusively to Monero. Hopefully, the community will be accepting and we will see ads popping up all across the globe in the near future.
As is evident from the look and feel of the website, we were heavily inspired by LocalBitcoins.com (if it ain't broke...). However, we believe that as the specific needs of the Monero community will be brought to our attention the website will evolve into its own unique entity.
We are a team of Monero enthusiasts based in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is one of the three financial capitals of the World (the other two being New York and London), and is also the World’s freest economy. In addition, Hong Kong is known in the cryptocurrency industry as being one of the best jurisdictions for cryptocurrencies.
We are committed to your security and privacy. We don't bind any users' IPs and we don't require users to have emails. We keep trade chat logs for 180 days for purposes of dispute mediation. The logs are encrypted and all the attachments uploaded in the chat are watermarked and encrypted to prevent unauthorized use. Unfortunately (trust me, we hate it as much as you do), we do use Google APIs for geocoding (because theirs are the only ones that don't suck) but we respect that some of our users will want to block Google, so for them we've provided the ability to input their latitude and longitude manually (used when searching for local trades near you).
Our site was built to be responsive and adaptive to different screen sizes, but we also plan to develop a mobile app if there is enough demand.
Additional features that we are planning to implement:
- JavaScript-free version of the site
- SMS notifications (for those who are willing to specify their phone)
Site: https://localmonero.co
Tor hidden service: http://lclmnroewgycudgz.onion
I2P: http://lm.i2p
B32 I2P: http://yeyar743vuwmm6fpgf3x6bzmj7fxb5uxhuoxx4ea76wqssdi4f3q.b32.i2p
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LocalMoneroCo (@LocalMoneroCo)
Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/LocalMonero
VK: https://vk.com/localmonero
Telegram: https://t.me/localmoneroco
FB: https://www.facebook.com/localmoneroco
IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net/#localmonero