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Exchange Integration


I'm from We'd like to integrate Monero in our exchange but I find it very hard to do it since your User and Developer guide is under development.

I already have bitmonerod and simplewallet running in our server, and I managed to get them to respond rpc call.

So few questions:

  1. What is the equivalent of bitcoin listtransaction in monero? I tried incoming_transaction, but it didn't return Payment ID.
  2. Do I need to call "refresh" command every time want to get new transactions?
  3. How to encrypt and decrypt a wallet after simplewallet is running? Do I need to let the wallet in decrypted mode all the time?
  4. What is unavailable transfer?


Replies: 4
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -533 | Link [ - ]

Start with the "Accepting Monero Payments" section under "Getting Started" instead:

Reply to: fluffypony
ngkong edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -533 | Link [ - ]

This is what i'm looking for. Thank you.

It doesn't answer number 3 & 4 though, is there any way to encrypt or decrypt wallet while simplewallet is running? And what is "unavailable transfer" exactly? Is it same with bitcoin 0 confirmation transfer? How long a transfer would become available?


Reply to: ngkong fluffypony
ngkong edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -533 | Link [ - ]

> get_bulk_payments: this is the preferred method, and requires two parameters, payment_ids - a JSON array of payment IDs - and an optional min_block_height - the block height to scan from.

in our case, we will be required to query thousands of payment_ids (we have 50k members). do you recommend us to use get_bulk_payments with array of hundreds or even thousands of payment_ids. Or is there any more elegant method?


Reply to: ngkong ngkong fluffypony
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -532 | Link [ - ]

That's the way you would do it - Poloniex query 200k payment IDs for every block in a couple of seconds. If you're worried about data on the wire for a remote wallet then query every 5 blocks.

Other good resources are:

To answer your questions:

  1. get_bulk_payments is what you'd use, no need to poll incoming_transfers (that only shows you spent/unspent txos in your wallet). If you need to track a payment where no payment ID was assigned you can also call get_bulk_payments with no payment ID, and it'll return all incoming transfers.

  2. No, simplewallet in rpc mode (soon to be replaced by rpcwallet) will auto-refresh for you.

  3. In RPC mode the wallet is decrypted in memory, but stays encrypted on disk. If an attacker has free access to your system memory you're in trouble no matter what precautionary measure we take. If the wallet files are swiped they're pointless (as long as you have a secure password).

  4. As I mentioned, incoming_transfers is just the txoset in your wallet. Available = unspent transaction outputs, unavailable = spent transaction outputs. No direct relation to outgoing transfers.