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Totally empty wallet after days of mining


  • Miner: xmr-stak-cpu
  • Wallet: Monero GUI Wallet (
  • Pool:

I have roughly a combined hashrate of 700h/s, and the results are being accepted by the pool, so at that rate I should have seen my balance update (albeit in a small, locked way), but nothing has changed, it's still at 0. Is there some step I've missed in setting up my wallet? It's fully synced up, I'm not downloading anymore of the blockchain, it's connected but nothing's going in. And I have checked to make sure the address is the correct one in the miner config. Any ideas?

Replies: 2
jiangya posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I can help u dude.

flyup posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

You need to wait for your pool to find a block +60 confirmations to see your balance update.