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Japanese translation

Would the community support a Japanese translation of the Monero website?

I have a friend, native to Japan, who now lives and works in the UK doing translations. She is willing to translate the site for 600 XMR.

I believe there is already some chatter about Monero on .jp crypto websites, so a Japanese translation would be great. I could ask her to do some posting on Japanese websites with links to, after the translation is done.

I'll donate 25 XMR to this translation too.

Replies: 3
fluffypony posted 9 years ago Weight: -327 | Link [ - ]

Guys, just to reiterate what I said on Reddit:

I think we're moving WAY too quickly on the translations thing. We don't have the functionality ready yet, sure, but we have major sections in the English website missing content (eg. About Monero...that's a pretty important one;)

I'm also concerned about the quality of translations. We are a small community and it's really hard to double-check the quality of work. It may make more sense to crowdsource funding for a professional technical translator. This Reddit post is a lesson for us:

I think we need to pause on getting more translations happening, and we need to put up an Open Tasks thread to finalise English content. Once that's done, and the translation plugin is finished, then we can get quotes from professional translators and open it up to the community to decide.

chocolatebar posted 9 years ago Weight: -329 | Link [ - ]

That would be great. I'd get behind this with some funding.

XMRChina posted 9 years ago Weight: -329 | Link [ - ]

I support this idea also. Lets get the funding process started as soon as we can.