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Can we crowdfund the user and developer guides?

Or is it too early?

Replies: 9
XMRChina posted 8 years ago Weight: -305 | Link [ - ]

This is an important area for translation once all the English guides are complete

palexander edited 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -313 | Link [ - ]

I just added a couple of user guides that were merged today. One for restoring your Monero account, and one for creating an offline backup of your Monero account. I think the user base can create these rather easily and add to them or edit them. There are instructions on pages, formats, rules towards the bottom of that page if anybody has the time to contribute. You need to be able to use kramdown for formatting text, etc. You need to also make yourself a github account so you can contribute directly. Its not that hard, but it does require some self-learning on your part, especially in the beginning. Also, this is a learning experience for a lot of people so toss out ideas and ask questions here and on the Monero IRC channel.

As for ideas on user guides, basically you need to be following the Monero discussions on reddit, bitcointalk-speculation, bitcointalk-Monero and here on the forum. Pay attention to what the developers and other Monero experts have said in the last year or so and use that for content. Also, if anybody has any ideas for user guides content, let me know.

Reply to: palexander
Gingeropolous posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -218 | Link [ - ]

Your first 2 links are dead - I guess after the merge you no longer have that fork on github.

I had a couple how-to's in the forum that were lost during the spam thing. I don't remember what they were. I think one of them was how to unstick stuck funds.

Reply to: Gingeropolous palexander
palexander edited 8 years ago Weight: -217 | Link [ - ]

Thanks, yeah. I removed the links. No need to link to them on my fork, better to link to them on I've noticed there are several Monero websites floating around that seem to purport to do the same thing. I would rather there was a central repository of info. However, its been a couple months since the pull was made, not sure why the site hasn't been updated yet. So I guess the info I worked on is kind of in limbo at the moment. @fluffypony, how long does it take to get the pull requests live on the website?

Reply to: palexander
Lloydimiller4 posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -303 | Link [ - ]

Great job sir! I have sent a donation of 50XMR your way.

I think adding guides for mining across various platforms would be very helpful for securing the network. I see a lot of newcomers having difficulty getting it setup and providing how-to tutorials for CPU & GPU mining (Linux, Windows, Mac) will help protect our network and get more people interested in Monero.

I personally believe video tutorials are best for these types of guides, I am a visual learner myself and being a noob, it is sometimes hard for me to understand when following a tutorial.

If you decide to make these video tutorials I would be more than happy to compensate you for your efforts. For tutorials that help the community, I am always willing to contribute some coin.

Gingeropolous is working on a video tutorial for me for an ultra-secure Cold Storage which I believe will be helpful for any newcomer who is Linux naive such as myself.

I think maybe eventually we need to have a section of the forum dedicated to tutorials.

Reply to: Lloydimiller4 palexander
palexander posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -303 | Link [ - ]

Thank you very much for your kind words and donation. Great idea about tutorials that are more visual. I think as development progresses, and a GUI is rolled out that uses functions and utilities that relate to viewkeys, cold storage, restoring wallets, etc., that will be a great time to start making them--the reason for this, is more of a branding thing as well. This type of GUI will probably bring in a ton of new users simply because of visual appeal, and you are right, most of us are visual learners.

If you don't mind, and with your permission, I would rather send the XMR to the general donation fund as part of my monthly contribution. Please let me know if that works for you.

Reply to: palexander Lloydimiller4 palexander
Lloydimiller4 posted 8 years ago Weight: -303 | Link [ - ]

I already sent it to you, so you can do with it whatever you feel like. :D

Lloydimiller4 posted 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -315 | Link [ - ]

Not sure if this is what you are talking about, but I personally would like to crowdfund some basic tutorials; how to compile the wallet, how to start mining (CPU/GPU, Linux/Windows/Mac), how to make some ultra-safe cold storage wallets, etc...

I know Gingeropolous has started some of these, but the sooner we get them made the better imo. I would definitely be willing to fund some of these tutorials.

Reply to: Lloydimiller4
sylviaplathlikestobake posted 9 years ago Weight: -315 | Link [ - ]

Agreed. I was talking specifically about the empty dev and user guides on this site, but would love to help fund any basic information that helps users.