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Change official Monero sign from "ɱ" to "₥"

In my opinion, "ɱ" doesn't really give the average individual the idea of money like "₿" does. Signs for money have always had lines stuck through letters in their appearence (¥, ¢, $, €, £, ₩, ₽). Fiat currencies, sure, but I see no reason as to why we would need to break this tradition; one that all of us are already used to. Relatively speaking, "₥" is not even publicly used by anything or anyone anymore (see). This grants us the opportunity to perhaps permanently establish "₥" as the official sign for Monero (We would also be ironically insulting the sign's former fiat definition).

What do you guys think about my proposal? Thanks for reading.

Example: This shirt costs ₥0.06.

Replies: 5
jonathancross posted 5 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Personally I find "" easier to read than "", especially at small sizes like this forum. Also, the line through the "m" might be interpreted as crossing it out (diagonal lines like this are not common in currency symbols). I like how "" looks like an "M + J" -- which fits with "Moneroj".

johnmiller posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I like the idea.

el_ruobuob edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]
Signs for money have always had lines stuck through letters in their appearence (¥, ¢, $, €, £, ₩, ₽).

This is not true. Franc was "F" or "FF" for "Franc Français", Deutsch Mark was "DM"...

Alex058 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Good idea

Hafid_A posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Great idea! btw,"ɱ" is more like math formula's element :)