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MONERO Mobile Wallet (light wallet for Desktop)

Hi there!

Another one Mobile Wallet for Monero or Light Wallet for Desktop was published

Monero Light Wallet

Monero Mobile Wallet

Official Announce

It requires some funding as we do not taking any fees from users nor income or withdrawal but donations are strongly voluntary

Donate XMR 4Hud7WwRP23bUjUGaiyMzyTL4taPQqziLE8phpS4dq2BThAGKMZA2SpUegJtYkbjWd2FGLqXinvYk1RXSAJB4xCVajWskc7zLdBAUXit9x

Telegram Support in case of emergency or any questions

Replies: 1
Alex058 posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I'm not technical savvy, so cannot understand what you are doing is legit. Besides that, what's the pro's to a GUI wallet connected to a remote node?