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How to contribute to "Globee's Secret Project Fundraiser"

This project is funded with XMR!

In order to contribute to the cause of "Globee's Secret Project Fundraiser" all you have to do is the following:

  1. Have a valid Monero address. If you don't have one, visit our getting started section!

  2. Send the amount of XMR that you wish to contribute to the address:

  3. Make sure that you enter a payment ID of b7f600e43beecab950fb14e807948b2540ec7a145c24bc4b404b78c5c421ca7b in order for us to be able to assign your contribution to this specific project!

Your contribution should be visible within 5 minutes of you sending your contribution. If for some reason it is not there, please contact a member of the Core Team!