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Posts by dEBRUYNE

Thread Post Excerpt
A formal approach towards better hard fork management <p>This perfectly describes my thoughts on this subject. So I support this as well!</p>
Fund a Developer: moneromoo will work part-time on Monero for 260 hours over approx. 6 months <p>Just wanted to state that the discussion regarding this subject can be found here -> https://foru...
Editorial: Why is the official GUI wallet not released yet <p>This is from smooth (core team member):</p> <hr /> <p> going xmr, looking for testers <p>It certainly was the right move! Btw, regarding dicesites, do you know any other dice sites that...
Adding Monero support for Trezor <p>Thank you for your efforts to date and being honest! If I may advice, perhaps (if funding is not...
Fund a Developer: moneromoo will work part-time on Monero for 260 hours over approx. 6 months <p>Nice work! Will send my 100 XMR once I am back.</p>
Fund a Developer: moneromoo will work part-time on Monero for 260 hours over approx. 6 months <p>Came back from vacation and to my pleasant suprise the target is already met! Any ideas what I sh...
Mac OS X Woes <p>Just follow these instructions and you should be good to go!
Fund a Developer: moneromoo will work part-time on Monero for 260 hours over approx. 6 months <p>At first I want to say you are doing great work and I greatly appreciate it!</p> <p>Your finishi...
Mac OS X Woes <p>I am not using OSX nor am I really tech-savvy, so I hope @saddam will help you out with your ques...
Fund a Developer: moneromoo will work part-time on Monero for 260 hours over approx. 6 months <p>An extension would be great in my opinion! There is enough room to work simultaneously and collab...
How to make a single tx auditable for a 3rd party? <p>Does this help your case? It's not implemented yet as far as I know though.</p> <p>https://bitco...
Monero and multisig - is it possible? <p>Crossposting my reddit comment:</p> <p>It's under currently being researched :) See -> https://g...
Thread disappeared - open source GPU miner thread <p>Give poor ginger his thread back! :=P</p>
Monero and multisig - is it possible? <p>Not that I know of, perhaps <a href="">@fluffypony</a>...
Fund a Developer: moneromoo will work part-time on Monero for 260 hours over approx. 6 months <p>> Another interesting bit was the mnemonics seed test, which failed on me. The test itself was ac...
Fund a Developer: moneromoo will work part-time on Monero for 260 hours over approx. 6 months <p>Thanks for clarifying that!</p>
Name the Next Monero Release! <p>Hydrogen Helix :)</p>
Expand Moneropedia entries on the Monero website <p>Any updates on this? How is it going so far?</p>
Name the Next Monero Release! <p>You make a good point here, perhaps we can save helix for a later release.</p>