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Ratings of pigeons

Rating Giver Receiver Notes
4 pigeons Namworld repaid 1 month 100 btc loan great to deal with
2 pigeons Cusipzzz
2 pigeons stealth222 trust his code
1 pigeons Azelphur
2 pigeons jurov
4 pigeons luke-jr consistent
8 pigeons gigavps very professional and reliable trader, miner, businessman, person
1 pigeons Raccoon
1 pigeons Genscher while he paid with paypal (no probs) he has other trusty things going for him
1 pigeons dogshu good trader
2 pigeons projectshifter good trader
2 pigeons eskimobob good dealings
1 pigeons mindy55 friend of a friend and did 1 small trade
2 pigeons ageis good guy
8 pigeons imsaguy he should be one of your go-to traders
8 pigeons grubles da man
1 pigeons ezah smooth trade
4 pigeons midnightmagic
2 pigeons Odio I traded with him a few times and its always gone really well
3 pigeons DBordello stay positive