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Posts by Lloydimiller4

Thread Post Excerpt
Payee pays for payer <p>Allowing other transactions to mix with a mixin 0 transaction weakens the entire system right? So...
my little privacy blog <p>Great blog, has a lot of really useful info. You should include a Monero donation address. :D</p>...
Parallella mining monero? <p></p>...
A continuation for all purpose programming of what needs to get done in monero <p>Awesome work as always Moneromooo!</p>
Difficulties as newbie... <p>You can get some direct help by joining #monero on freenode IRC.</p> <p>I can help you with wind...
Open source AMD miner by Wolf0 <p>I gave Wolf a tip for 500XMR after he hit his current performance. This was supposed to be only a...
The official Qt GUI Project <p>Donated 2,000: Money successfully sent, transaction <57424da5bef41f2451d21f51096a9cbbb990a70bafea...
Monero mining from remote on gpus <p>look into pimp mining.</p> <p>linux distro for all coins, CPU and GPU</p>