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Posts by EhVedadoOAnonimato

Thread Post Excerpt
Using "time-neighbors" in mixin selection in order to solve temporal associations <p>It's not only a matter of how significant this after-fact knowledge is to the distribution. It's...
Potential capabilities of Monero <p>I'm not sure how could the techniques used in Monero help in your case. Monero has very neat tech...
Potential capabilities of Monero <p>What your system needs is encryption not signatures. I don't see how can ring signatures help. Ev...
Increasing the block time <p>I'm not sure I understand what are the instability problems...</p> <p>The simple fact that there...
Lightweight client architecture / software <p>The only problem with your idea that I see is this requires the lightweight node to download, eve...
Lightweight client architecture / software <p>I'm not sure I understood your solution for the low bandwidth case. Suppose we meet in meatspace...
Increasing the minimum block size <p>> In increasing the block time to two minutes</p> <p>When this was first raised I asked if there...
Increasing the minimum block size <p>Ok then. Please let me know when Monero stops being an experimental toy used geeks and becomes an...
Forbid 0 mixin as a default behavior, not as a consensus rule <p>Hello all,</p> <p>I'm aware of the plans from the devs of Monero to ban 0 mixin transactions. Th...
Linkability issues and how to (maybe) solve them <p>I think that's the easiest solution. This technique is called merge avoidance and has been propos...
Payee pays for payer <p>You're over-complicating it. Just add an exception for transactions that confirm in the same bloc...
Payee pays for payer <p>> Allowing other transactions to mix with a mixin 0 transaction weakens the entire system right?<...
Flexcap: pay with reward or with difficulty? <p>I don't know if you guys have seen it, but in Bitcoin some people have proposed a system for chan...
Flexcap: pay with reward or with difficulty? <p>Yeah for Bitcoin it had to be with difficulty. It has the advantage of not requiring a trailing e...
"Bus error (core dumped)" on 0.9.1 <p>Hello all,</p> <p>As I've just written <a href="
"Bus error (core dumped)" on 0.9.1 <p>BTW, the core file is not only quite big to post here (>200Mb), as it contains identifying inform...
"Bus error (core dumped)" on 0.9.1 <p>Damn, another weird thing happened: my bitcoin node is not launching anymore. It wants to rebuild...
"Bus error (core dumped)" on 0.9.1 <p>I'm on Ubuntu.</p> <p>Sorry for the late reply. I got suspicious on my disk since my bitcoin blo...
My Monero daemon decided to redownload the entire chain again. Why?? <p>So, my Monero daemon decided this morning it was time to redownload the entire blockchain, from s...
My Monero daemon decided to redownload the entire chain again. Why?? <p>I've achieved a similar result by making my .bitmonero dir a symbolic link. That has always worke...