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Posts by Eddieh

Thread Post Excerpt
Sandbox <p>There was an issue where images wouldn't resize if they were too big (like the one on top).</p>...
Bug report <p>Fixed.</p>
Bug report <ul> <li>Added a Delete/Remove button to user profile settings.</li> <li>There was an issue with the...
Replies of the second kind of style should be more fitting <p><sup></sup> was never meant to go through in the first place, since this is an HTML tag. The issu...
Bug report <p>That <br> tag was never supposed to go through. Parsing should start clearing those out after the...
Spacing between threads with multi-line titles <p>One-line titles with tooltips incoming in the next update.</p>
"New posts" button is missing <p>Posts inside a thread that are new to you will now be marked. This should come with the next upda...
Forum feature requests (compilation) <p>Threads are already being sorted by latest post date and not creation date.</p> <p>After I reply...
Forum Icons <p>Do you have:</p> <ol> <li>AdBlock?</li> <li>Hola or any other proxy/VPN type Chrome plugin?</li>...
Markdown code blocks <p>I'm not sure I understand the issues. Does your browser start lagging when trying to insert huge...
Notifications on Threads? <p>You can already do that. It's just not really visible in terms of an RSS button (will add this).<...
Unable to click on Sub-Forum threads with 'funding bar' <p>This has been fixed and will be included in the next update :)</p>