Is this logo blue and black, or white and gold?
<p>To me the logo looks very similar to the dress (not fluffy's dress above).</p>
Openalias giveaway
<p>Wait you're infinitejest?</p>
Adding Monero support for Trezor
<p>"Having access to those key images means it is possible to spend that output."</p>
<p>This isn't...
Is there a way to know if my public key has already been used by another transaction?
<p>If you are transferring "immediately" after receipt (say back to back blocks when no other transa...
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
<p>Hmm, if I click "Reply", I get that same message. This only occurs when the textarea above the bu...
Feature request: "Replied by"
<p>On the main forum page, it displays the last reply in a particular category. In "sub-category" vi...
From Poloniex to Paper Wallet
<p>Sorry, what are you asking?</p>
From Poloniex to Paper Wallet
<p>Very reasonable request.</p>
<p>I don't pay too close attention to what guides exist, etc., so I...
From Poloniex to Paper Wallet
<p>Steps 3, 4, and 5 are what you are asking about I guess?</p>
<p>The only thing you <em>need</em>...
How to make a single tx auditable for a 3rd party?
<p>If/when the new 64-bit payment IDs start seeing use, this won't work any more.</p>
<p>Ideally, y...
How to make a single tx auditable for a 3rd party?
<p>After conversations with a secret entity, simplewallet storing "r" may be coming soon(TM). You'll...
Port to use Monero
<p>How do you account for mass decay and auto-spawning dots?</p>
Useful Monero related tools
<p>If anything is funky/not working as expected with those pages, please let me know. You can also s...
Useful Monero related tools
<p>Sweet. If you want to submit new HTML (+separate CSS if you need/want) I can update it. :)</p>
Name the Next Monero Release!
<p>Helix for sure.</p>
Useful Monero related tools
<p>Are you on freenode? We could live chat about it. Otherwise PM me here or on BCT and we'll get it...
Increasing the block time
<p>Just expressing my support for 2 minutes again; I think my position is clear from other conversat...
Increasing the block time
<p>> The block rewards would be adjusted accordingly to maintain the same rate of coin emission --s...
Useful Monero related tools
<p>I don't understand what you are asking.</p>
<p>Edit: unrelated, but I think just putting a hash...
In theory, is it possible to disable coins?
<p>Could you maybe state your use case a different way? What are you trying to accomplish? Is the "a...