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Problems starting up a node

So yesterday, I downloaded and tried starting up a node:

:monero.mac.x64.v0-9-1-0 $ ./bitmonerod 

After about 20 hours runtime, it seems I still haven't started inventorying blocks:


But it seems I'm probably talking to peers:

Remote Host                   Peer id             Recv/Sent (inactive,sec)      State                    Livetime(sec)       Down (kB/s) Down(now)     Up (kB/s) Up(now)      

OUT       d87828d95274e327    410448(4)/6754(1458061509)    state_synchronizing      6                   66          44            1         0            
OUT       ff573c441161feb5    407040(17)/6754(1458061509)   state_synchronizing      19                  20          44            0         0            
OUT      0                   0(1458061509)/214(1458061509) state_befor_handshake    18                  0           0             0         0            
OUT       0                   0(1458061509)/214(1458061509) state_befor_handshake    12                  0           0             0         0            
OUT        b1d3d72f7f7e825     410448(10)/6754(1458061509)   state_synchronizing      13                  30          44            0         0            
OUT       5f5a922377d067c8    409248(14)/6754(1458061509)   state_synchronizing      19                  21          44            0         0  

This is a system that indexed the Bitcoin blockchain from scratch about four months ago in about 36 hours. I would think I should be showing some progress. Not sure where to go from here. Any suggestions?

Replies: 8
jbreher posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

more info from console below - first output unelided:

:monero.mac.x64.v0-9-1-0 $ ./bitmonerod 
Creating the logger system
2016-Mar-14 16:40:41.005668 Initializing cryptonote protocol...
2016-Mar-14 16:40:41.005737 Cryptonote protocol initialized OK
2016-Mar-14 16:40:41.008668 Initializing p2p server...
2016-Mar-14 16:40:42.298843 Set limit-up to 2048 kB/s
2016-Mar-14 16:40:42.298921 Set limit-down to 8192 kB/s
2016-Mar-14 16:40:42.298960 Set limit-up to 2048 kB/s
2016-Mar-14 16:40:42.299008 Set limit-down to 8192 kB/s
2016-Mar-14 16:40:42.299098 Binding on
2016-Mar-14 16:40:42.300338 Net service bound to
2016-Mar-14 16:40:42.300394 Attempting to add IGD port mapping.
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.563690 UPnP device was found but not recoginzed as IGD.
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.563756 P2p server initialized OK
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.564956 Initializing core rpc server...
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.565035 Binding on
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.565657 Core rpc server initialized OK on port: 18081
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.565708 Initializing core...
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.567284 Loading blockchain from folder /Volumes/pt Home/Users/LAN_S1_PT3/.bitmonero/lmdb ...
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.567387 option: fastest
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.567430 option: async
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.567465 option: 1000
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.793177 The DB has no hard fork info, reparsing from start
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.793333 Blockchain not loaded, generating genesis block.
2016-Mar-14 16:40:46.914688 Loading precomputed blocks: 830001
2016-Mar-14 16:40:47.108602 Blockchain initialized. last block: 0, d1349.h17.m40.s46 time ago, current difficulty: 1
2016-Mar-14 16:40:53.766070 Core initialized OK
2016-Mar-14 16:40:53.766134 Starting core rpc server...
2016-Mar-14 16:40:53.766165 Run net_service loop( 2 threads)...
2016-Mar-14 16:40:53.767182 [SRV_MAIN]Core rpc server started ok
2016-Mar-14 16:40:53.767434 [SRV_MAIN]Starting p2p net loop...
2016-Mar-14 16:40:53.768043 [SRV_MAIN]Run net_service loop( 10 threads)...
2016-Mar-14 16:40:54.768581 [P2P1]
The daemon will start synchronizing with the network. It may take up to several hours.

You can set the level of process detailization* through "set_log " command*, where  is between 0 (no details) and 4 (very verbose).

Use "help" command to see the list of available commands.

Note: in case you need to interrupt the process, use "exit" command. Otherwise, the current progress won't be saved.
2016-Mar-14 16:40:55.398065 [P2P6][ OUT]Sync data returned unknown top block: 1 -> 997501 [997500 blocks (1385 days) behind] 
2016-Mar-14 16:40:56.377393 [P2P6]ERROR /DISTRIBUTION-BUILD/src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_format_utils.cpp:909 Failed to parse block from blob
2016-Mar-14 16:41:00.932973 [P2P8][ OUT]Sync data returned unknown top block: 1 -> 997501 [997500 blocks (1385 days) behind] 
2016-Mar-14 16:41:02.082574 [P2P1][ OUT]Sync data returned unknown top block: 1 -> 997501 [997500 blocks (1385 days) behind] 
2016-Mar-14 16:41:02.234312 [P2P4][ OUT]Sync data returned unknown top block: 1 -> 88592 [88591 blocks (123 days) behind] 
2016-Mar-14 16:41:02.625507 [P2P3][ OUT]Sync data returned unknown top block: 1 -> 997501 [997500 blocks (1385 days) behind] 
2016-Mar-14 16:41:02.941426 [P2P7]ERROR /DISTRIBUTION-BUILD/src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_format_utils.cpp:909 Failed to parse block from blob

many more lines similar to last 12 above follow

Reply to: jbreher
Gingeropolous posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

did you have a pre-existing monero on this system?

you might want to delete all the hidden files in .bitmonero .... that might help, but im not sure.

Reply to: Gingeropolous jbreher
jbreher posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

No pre-existing monero on this system. I'm a monero n00b.

I'll delete contents of .bitmonero and restart.

Gingeropolous posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I'd try shutting down and restarting the daemon. I don't use macs.... a couple of the folks in monero do, so hopefully they'll chime in.

Reply to: Gingeropolous
jbreher posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Thanks Gingeropolous. I'll try it. After restart, how long before I should see block height rising?

exit captured below, in case it aids analysis:

2016-Mar-15 11:15:54.332135 [P2P0]Failed to get remote endpoint: Invalid argument:22
ERROR   {2} {p1} 2016-03-15 11:15:54.332228 [abstract_tcp_server2.inl+1029 ::connect] [sock -1] Failed to start connection, connections_count = 9
2016-Mar-15 11:15:54.334825 [P2P0]ERROR /DISTRIBUTION-BUILD/contrib/epee/include/net/abstract_tcp_server2.inl:1036 Exception at [boosted_tcp_server::connect], what=remote_endpoint: Invalid argument
2016-Mar-15 11:15:54.338673 [node] Stop signal sent
Stop signal sent
2016-Mar-15 11:15:54.338995 [SRV_MAIN]net_service loop stopped.
2016-Mar-15 11:15:54.339028 [SRV_MAIN]p2p net loop stopped
2016-Mar-15 11:15:54.439971 [node] Stop signal sent
2016-Mar-15 11:15:54.439983 [SRV_MAIN]Stopping core rpc server...
2016-Mar-15 11:15:54.441559 [SRV_MAIN]Node stopped.
2016-Mar-15 11:15:54.441610 [SRV_MAIN]Deinitializing rpc server...
2016-Mar-15 11:15:54.442420 [SRV_MAIN]Deinitializing p2p...
2016-Mar-15 11:15:55.203691 [SRV_MAIN]Deinitializing core...
2016-Mar-15 11:15:55.203932 [SRV_MAIN]Closing IO Service.
2016-Mar-15 11:16:08.764268 [SRV_MAIN]Deinitializing cryptonote_protocol...
:monero.mac.x64.v0-9-1-0 $ 
Reply to: jbreher Gingeropolous
jbreher posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

No go. 21 hours after deleting all files in .bitmonero and restarting, I am still at block height 1.

Any clues in the connections print? Current situation:

Remote Host                   Peer id             Recv/Sent (inactive,sec)      State                    Livetime(sec)       Down (kB/s) Down(now)     Up (kB/s) Up(now)      

OUT         8e9cb03cbd0f60ba    410448(3)/6754(1458139195)    state_synchronizing      6                   66          44            1         0            
OUT     7835aed63bf9548     256673(1)/301(1458139195)     state_synchronizing      6                   41          27            0         0            
OUT       5ae956d2fb0eb441    410448(5)/6754(1458139195)    state_synchronizing      7                   57          44            0         0            
OUT      cf183d3296abfebf    190209(0)/301(1458139195)     state_synchronizing      5                   37          20            0         0            
OUT     ee13eb939854385b    410448(5)/6754(1458139195)    state_synchronizing      5                   80          44            1         0    

Do I need IN connections as well as the OUTs? If so, what might get in the way of such connections?

Reply to: jbreher jbreher Gingeropolous
jbreher posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

OK - I think I figured out part of the puzzle. Configuring my router to forward 18080 has changed the behavior. (How was I supposed to know to do this? Should this not be mentioned in the guide?)

I at least seem to now have some incoming connections:

Remote Host                   Peer id             Recv/Sent (inactive,sec)      State                    Livetime(sec)       Down (kB/s) Down(now)     Up (kB/s) Up(now)      

OUT       0                   71(14)/43(1458246926)         state_befor_handshake    14                  0           0             0         0            
INC        a779d4693c84a10b    320318(6)/11692(1458246926)   state_synchronizing      37                  8           34            0         1            
OUT       0                   71(8)/43(1458246926)          state_befor_handshake    8                   0           0             0         0            
OUT        0                   71(7)/43(1458246926)          state_befor_handshake    7                   0           0             0         0            
INC      de88201799f7ea16    190983(2)/10320(1458246926)   state_synchronizing      22                  8           6             0         1            
OUT        0                   71(20)/43(1458246926)         state_befor_handshake    21                  0           0             0         0            
OUT       0                   71(29)/43(1458246926)         state_befor_handshake    29                  0           0             0         0            
INC       1037faa2faf9ef1a    400410(0)/16773(1458246926)   state_synchronizing      14                  27          27            1         1            
INC     0                   33(0)/0(1458246926)           state_befor_handshake    0                   0           0             0         0            
OUT      0                   0(1458246926)/43(1458246926)  state_befor_handshake    57                  0           0             0         0            
OUT     36b3a86722987c2a    6280(0)/301(1458246926)       state_synchronizing      0                 0           0             0         0   

But no blocks:


What else do I need? Just patience?

Reply to: jbreher jbreher jbreher Gingeropolous
Gingeropolous posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Hey, sorry I didn't follow up. Were you able to get this to work? I think there have been some updates since you've tried, and in general the mac version is a bit wonky (or so I've heard).